Rational use of antibiotics, beware of drug risks!

Update time:2022-04-15

Source: State Drug Administration

Anti-infective drugs refer to drugs with the effect of killing or inhibiting various pathogenic microorganisms, including antibiotics, synthetic antibacterial drugs, antiviral drugs, etc., which are widely used in clinical practice and are the focus of national adverse drug reaction monitoring.

Among them, antibiotics are only suitable for inflammation caused by bacteria and some other microorganisms, and are not effective for inflammation caused by viruses.

Common adverse reactions of antibiotics, including allergic reactions, toxic reactions, superinfection, drug resistance, etc. The elderly, infants, the infirm, those who have abdominal surgery and those who abuse antibiotics are more prone to superinfection, which is generally more difficult to control and has a great risk. Most bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, and the abuse of antibiotics will lead to the increasing number of resistant strains, affecting the treatment of diseases.

Remind all patients and friends, please follow the principles of antibiotic use. You can use narrow-spectrum antibiotics instead of broad-spectrum ones. You can use low-level ones without high-level ones. You can use one type of antibiotics instead of two types. At the same time, it should be noted that the efficacy of antibiotics has a cycle, and the necessary cycle should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

Rational use of antibiotics, beware of drug risks!